Holistic Remedies
Nowadays, many sterile couples turn to holistic infertility treatments when trying to conceive. Holistic Medical Association of Canada defines holistic medicine as follows:
"Holistic medicine is a health system that promotes a collaborative relationship between all involved and leads to the optimal realization of the physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual aspects that emphasize the need to look at the whole person, including analysis of the physical, nutritional, environmental, emotional, social, spiritual, and lifestyle values, including all stated diagnostic and treatment modalities, including medication and surgery, unless there is an alternative. Holistic medicine focuses on education and responsibility for personal endeavors for balance and well-being. "
Some aspects of holistic medicine include relaxation, acupuncture, positive thinking, and exercise. In general, those who take a holistic approach to conception should avoid all unhealthy practices. In addition, it is recommended to avoid chemicals as found in perfumes and household cleaners as much as possible.
Holistic fertility practices suggest that men should avoid processed foods and foods that contain large amounts of estrogen. It is also important to follow a high fiber diet. It is also recommended to take vitamins C and E, zinc, selenium, carnitine and beta-carotene as dietary supplements.
Men should also wear loose underwear made from natural fabrics, avoid hot tubs, and avoid cigarette smoke and contact with heavy metals. All of these measures have been shown to help improve sperm count and health.
A recent study by the Harvard School of Public Health also recommends that men's soy-based foods should be avoided because they have been linked to infertility and have decreased sperm counts.
Women are advised to maintain a healthy weight and eat a nutritious diet. Alcohol and coffee should be avoided, and women should also avoid contact with heavy metals. Women should take folic acid and vitamins B12 and B6.
Studies have shown that dental fillings with mercury impair fertility and should be avoided. Ask your dentist if you think you have mercury fillings.
A low magnesium level can also affect fertility and increase the risk of miscarriage. Couples can benefit from taking magnesium supplements.
Bee pollen is another interesting substance that has been shown to stimulate ovarian function and the ability of eggs to survive the incubation period.
Traditional Chinese medicine is a holistic approach that focuses on harmonizing energy flows and achieving a balance between Yin and Yang. It includes acupuncture, herbal medicine and nutrition. Acupuncture has also been shown to help couples receiving IVF treatment.
While modern medical practices should not be neglected when it comes to treating fertility problems, a holistic approach can increase the chances a couple can imagine.
Medicines for ovulation and fertility
Clomid is the brand name of a fertility drug that is technically known as clomiphene citrate. As a drug, it belongs to this class of drugs called selective estrogen receptor modulators and is better known as "SERM" in steroid jargon. It is also sold under the Serophene brand. Whether a person is taking clomiphene, serophene or clomid, everything is in the same thing and should not be confused with the other names associated with the drug. Clomid is a fertility drug that is consumed worldwide and is very often used in women with infertility.
About 25% of female infertility results from problems related to ovulation. Clomid, certified as a very strong drug, is very effective and very easy to use. The drug is most often taken in tablet form and not as an injection. The drug is also economical and is not very expensive compared to other fertility drugs. The success rate is 80%, which makes it a popular drug for women.
Clomiphene inhibits the effects of estrogen on the hypothalamus. The drug is also widely used in men for bodybuilding purposes as it has been shown to be very productive and useful in binding estrogen receptors in the body of men. Clomid can also cause multiple ovulation and it is very likely that women taking this medication will increase their chances of having twins. Using this drug is less likely to cause ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, but women may have an increased risk of ovarian cancer. Clomiphene citrate has a high success rate in supporting impregnation for women.
Reviewed By Dr Andrew Charlton Has 62 publications, the author of 3 patents for inventions, 2 teaching aids on medical and pharmaceutical education of Australian universities for use in the educational process in medical universities.
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