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How to deal with depression

When it comes to dealing with depression, it can be very controversial among professionals. There are many types of treatments and certainly an arsenal of medications to treat depression. When you use the term treat depression, it should be interpreted vaguely and not literally, since medications only treat certain symptoms of depression. There are other symptoms, such as: B. Physical symptoms that may require additional medications in combination.

Experts have again understood why depression occurs. There are chemicals in the brain, such as serotonin, that have been linked to depression. However, professionals can only speculate about the role of these chemicals in people with depression. There is no way to measure the level of chemicals in the brain to determine if they are low or abnormal. So when medication is given, there is no way to know what the chemicals in the brain are. However, it remains a fact if you learn to deal with depression, that is, the medication works for many people from all walks of life.

When it comes to learning how to deal with depression, asking a doctor for advice can be different from talking to a psychiatrist. Both will treat depression with medication, but since there are so many different medications, they can prescribe different types of medication. In addition to the medication, there should be psychotherapy that only treats the symptoms of depression rather than curing the person suffering from depression.

There are four different types of medication that can be used to respond to depression. There are four different types of antidepressants, each with a different make-up and for different types of depression. SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), atypical antidepressants, TCA (tricyclic antidepressants) and MAOI (monoamine oxidase inhibitors).

SSRIs are a very popular new type of medication. This type of medication affects a brain chemical called serotonin. Serotonin plays a role in mood, digestion, sleep, pain, body functions and mental clarity. SSRIs can in turn have certain side effects such as sexual problems, drowsiness, insomnia and nausea. Most side effects go away after a few weeks.

Another type is an atypical antidepressant, which is also a new type of medication. These substances target neurotransmitters in the brain such as noradrenaline and dopamine. This affects them alone or sometimes in combination with serotonin. Side effects can include nausea, fatigue, weight gain, drowsiness, nervousness, dry mouth, and vision problems.

TCA takes its name from the molecular structure of the drug, which contains three atomic cycles. TCA is one of the oldest classes of antidepressants. Side effects are more serious than new drugs and are only used as a last resort if other drugs do not work.

MAOs are also an older drug and have more serious side effects than new drugs, so these types of drugs are used only as a last resort.

All antidepressants can lead to discontinuation if they are suddenly discontinued. To get rid of these drugs, they need to be reduced to a level that does not cause severe withdrawal for a few weeks. Some withdrawal symptoms include: Anxiety, restlessness, depression, mood swings, flu-like symptoms, irritability, aggressiveness, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, loss of coordination, stomach cramps, electric shock, tremors. Muscle spasms.

Antidepressants have been shown to cause suicidal thoughts, acts of suicide, and suicide. This is especially true for children and teenagers. Close monitoring of adolescents for signs of problems is very important, and young children should not be prescribed antidepressants. Another method of treating depression should be introduced, such as psychotherapy.

Adults with attention deficit disorder

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) affects approximately 8 million adults in Australia, but is often undiagnosed. Part of the challenge is that there is no specific test to easily identify the condition in children or adults. Experts estimate that 5% of school-age children have ADD with or without hyperactivity. 60% of these children will continue to have problems through adulthood. Physical hyperactivity generally decreases in adulthood and poses fewer problems. However, the mind is still "hyperactive" and it is difficult to concentrate on a specific task. The inability to concentrate and stay focused is the main cause of the problem in children or adults who are struggling with this disease. Scattered thinking is very frustrating for individuals and leads to difficulties at home, at school or at work. It affects relationships in all areas of life. There is a high rate of depression and addiction that result from these challenges.

Without a specific test, most of the determination comes from the history and personal experience of the individual. There is always a long history of difficulties in adapting to behavior and underperforming in school as a child. A physical exam and some basic blood tests should be done to ensure that no metabolic disorder contributes to behavior. Experts agree that the problems begin in childhood and are not acquired in adulthood. In fact, a family history of ADD is common. The challenges and frustrations of ADD often lead to low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. Postponement becomes a coping mechanism and a tendency to abuse substances. If you are unable to continue your work, you usually cannot learn good organizational skills. Their sometimes impulsive behavior leads to unfortunate decisions. This inconsistency and the ability to follow situations raise problems in all personal, romantic, academic or professional relationships.

If the problem is identified, the combination of medication and advice can give good results. The latter should include cognitive behavioral therapy or "speech therapy". Comfort and relaxation techniques help focus and slow down the process of quick thinking. There are a variety of medications available to improve depression, anxiety, impulsivity and slow "overactive" thinking. In this way, people can learn effective organizational and coping skills. Faster, earlier success leads to more self-confidence and self-esteem. This promotes greater practice of these newly acquired skills. Individuals feel much more comfortable in their own skin. Clear adults who are able to live a more productive life. Happiness, which seemed difficult to grasp, becomes an accessible dream.

Reviewed By Has 62 publications, the author of 3 patents for inventions, 2 teaching aids on medical and pharmaceutical education of Australian universities for use in the educational process in medical universities.

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