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Female Viagra

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Availability: In stock

Prescription required for Generic Female Viagra?: No Prescription

Active ingredient: Sildenafil Citrate

Medical form: Pills

Delivery time: EMS Trackable (5-9 days), Airmail (10 - 21 days)

Viagra for women: for whom and how?

It made the headlines: the female "Viagra". But what is it exactly? Addyi, Lybrido, Lybridos ... various drugs promise to increase female desire. When to use them? All the (correct) answers are there.

Almost twenty years after the blue pill for men, here is finally the one for women! However, it is quite confusing ... Between the Addyi (flibanserin), which was controversial less than a month ago, the Osphena, which we told you about two years ago, the Lybrido, we thought we were dead, and the Lybridos of whom we have barely spoken but which, nevertheless, seem to be topical, we lose ourselves a bit!

To answer my many questions, I called the specialist Marie-Hélène Colson. Doctor, sexologist and author of books, including the highly relevant The feminine sexuality, answered me bluntly.

Sante Magazine: Addyi, Lybrido and lybridos, what differences are there?

“Lybrido and Lybridos are two products whose clinical trials are carried out by the Brain Brain company. Both are expected to hit the market in the US. USA And Australia in 2016 (hopefully):

  • Lybrido is a combination of IPDE-5 (viagra) and testosterone, it targets more physical arousal;
  • Lybridos is a combination of testosterone and a centrally acting molecule, buspirone, aimed at improving the mental component of desire.

Addyi has nothing to do, since it is a central molecule. This medication must be marketed in the United States beginning in October. It is the basis of an antidepressant, flibanserin, whose side effects and contraindications are identical to most antidepressants: dizziness, not mixing with alcohol, etc. Therefore, it acts mainly on the psychological aspects of female sexuality, unlike sildenafil citrate or dapoxetine called "viagra for men", thus denying the entire purely physical dimension: mechanical clitoris, lubrication ... Who else? 'Addyi is controversial: he is suspected, among other things, of not having demonstrated his effectiveness and of being the result of lobbying.

Can we talk about "Viagra" in the feminine?

It is inappropriate to speak of female Viagra. Viagra does not have sexual intercourse, it is a molecule that aims to promote vasodilation that allows arousal in both men and women. The only problem is that the effects do not overlap between the two sexes.

An induced erection is usually enough to induce sexual behavior in men, but the opposite is not true in women. Having a stiff clitoris and a wet vulva does not systematically motivate a woman to have sexual activity. The effects of Viagra in women are as interesting as in men, but they do not lead to the same effects.

This finding, which has greatly disrupted the pharmaceutical industry, had prompted Pfizer's lab to abandon the idea of "pink" Viagra. The emotional brain took over the baby and tried to enhance its effects by combining testosterone, which is the hormone for sexual arousal in both men and women.

Does this mean that it would be better to take Lybridos if the problem is not just "physical"?

No, any medication must be integrated into a therapeutic strategy that decides on the optimal pharmacological treatment, whatever the cause.

Can we take both drugs at the same time?

" Certainly not. "

Will women who take it shed their hair or grow large hair?

"No, of course, not at these doses."

For which women?

"The effects can be interesting, especially in stressed, tired young women or postmenopausal women who are going through a period of desire disorders after having satisfactory sexuality.

In my opinion, perfectly useless among women without desire, who have never had one, or among those who are in conflict with their partner and whose desire is greatly hampered by a violent, alcoholic, devaluing partner, etc.

Where can we buy them?

"These medications will be subject to a prescription. "

Viagra for women: when is a female viagra?

Revolutionary at the time of its commercialization, the blue pill artificially recreates sexual arousal in men. The equivalent of female viagra, meanwhile, is limited to aphrodisiacs, hormonal treatments, or other purely psychological tricks. But why does viagra for women not exist as such?

Viagra for women: a need considered minor

The man, without a doubt, cannot have sexual relations if he does not feel arousal. Without an erection, penetration becomes impossible. Sexual arousal for women has an important consequence: the secretion of love juice to moisten the entrance to the vagina and allow penetration. In the absence of emotion in women, a lubricating gel can allow lovers to have a physical relationship. Thus, if the sexual desire of the man is a sine qua non condition of the act, it is not the same in the woman: from a purely physical point of view, the sexual relation is possible in the absence of libido Under these conditions, the search for a viagra for women is considered less urgent.

Female Viagra: marketing failures

Many years after the advent of the blue pill, several laboratories have launched the marketing of various forms of viagra for women.

Blue pill: what effects does it have on women

Before searching for a female Viagra, some were tempted to test the effects of Viagra, initially designed as a solution against erectile dysfunction, on women's sexual desire. However, adverse side effects, lack of sexual desire, the results have not been conclusive. The research then further examined the viagra of a specific woman.

Addyi, a mixed success for female viagra

In 2015, the first real equivalent of viagra for women was introduced to the US market. Primarily intended for women in menopause, Addyi is intended to increase female libido by acting on the brain to stimulate sexual desire. But its effectiveness, once the viagra for women is tested, is limited. Also, side effects (drop in blood pressure, drowsiness and contraindications), combination of Viagra for women and highly discouraged alcohol, are revealed in excess. The brief marketing of Addyi as a female viagra ended in failure.

To date, no alternative has emerged.

Female aphrodisiacs, an alternative to viagra for women

So how to promote sexual desire, how to increase libido in the absence of viagra for women? There are natural solutions.

Aphrodisiacs: a natural female viagra

Fewer side effects and contraindications, but especially a rare effective solution to sexual desire problems in couples, natural aphrodisiacs are aimed at both men and women. Certain spices are leading the way in this regard: cocoa, ginger, ginseng, saffron, anise, or even cloves are natural aphrodisiacs widely used as an alternative to female viagra. Little more: they can participate in the development of a romantic dinner, probably to further promote the romantic context for intense sexual arousal.

Women's Psychology Law.

In the absence of viagra for women, another solution to increase libido and arouse sexual desire lies in psychology. The decrease in desire can have a psychological origin: the routine in the couple and the lack of novelty are all obstacles to sexual arousal. By overcoming these recurring relationship problems, couples can relive the desire without even using a viagra for women or men. How? By renewing sexuality: new positions, unusual atmospheres or unexplored practices, the solutions available for lovers are numerous.

Use hormone therapy

When the lack of emotion comes from a hormonal cause, medical treatment can help the couple in the absence of Viagra for women, even in the current state of scientific research. Following the advice of a doctor, different hormonal treatments based on estrogens and / or testosterone can be considered: pills, creams or rings that slowly spread the hormones necessary to revive sexual desire. Like viagra for women evaluated without success, these therapies are susceptible to undesirable side effects.

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